Hippocampal pyramidal neurons are endowed with signature excitability characteristics, exhibit theta-frequency selectivity-manifesting as impedance resonance and as a band-pass structure in the spike-triggered average (StA)-and coincidence detection tuned for gamma-frequency inputs. Are there specific constraints on molecular-scale (ion channel) properties in the concomitant emergence of cellular-scale encoding (feature detection and selectivity) and excitability characteristics? Here, we employed a biophysically-constrained unbiased stochastic search strategy involving thousands of conductance-based models, spanning 11 active ion channels, to assess the concomitant emergence of 14 different electrophysiological measurements. Despite the strong biophysical and physiological constraints, we found models that were similar in terms of their spectral selectivity, operating mode along the integrator-coincidence detection continuum and intrinsic excitability characteristics. the parametric combinations that resulted in these functionally similar models were non-unique with weak pair-wise correlations. employing virtual knockout of individual ion channels in these functionally similar models, we found a many-to-many relationship between channels and physiological characteristics to mediate this degeneracy, and predicted a dominant role for HCN and transient potassium channels in regulating hippocampal neuronal StA. our analyses reveals the expression of degeneracy, that results from synergistic interactions among disparate channel components, in the concomitant emergence of neuronal excitability and encoding characteristics. Degeneracy, the ability of distinct structural components to elicit similar physiology, is ubiquitous in biology, across organisms and across scales 1-8. Several studies have shown that models with disparate combinations of ion channel conductances can have physiological measurements with values within their experimentally determined ranges 4,6,8-19. Most of these studies, however, have focused largely on measures of excitability, with the focus primarily on homeostasis. However, neurons are also endowed with specific physiological properties that define the features that they encode, their operating mode (i.e., their position along the integrator-coincidence detector (I-CD) continuum), and coincidence detection capabilities 20-26. Could degeneracy be a substrate for neurons to encode specific characteristics, to be endowed with specific operational characteristics and still maintain their excitability properties within experimental bounds? Could the feature detection/extraction goals of a neuron coexist with its ability to maintain specific levels of excitability? Could disparate combinations of ion channels mediate such co-existence? Is there a dominance hierarchy among different channels in determining a neuron's operating mode? To address these questions, we carried out computational analyses that employed hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron models as substrates. We used this particular category of...