Gustafson and Milne proved an identity on the Schur function indexed by a partition of the form (λ 1 − n + k, λ 2 − n + k, . . . , λ k − n + k). On the other hand, Fehér, Némethi and Rimányi found an identity on the Schur function indexed by a partition of the form (m − k, . . . , m − k, λ 1 , . . . , λ k ). Fehér, Némethi and Rimányi gave a geometric explanation of their identity, and they raised the question of finding a combinatorial proof. In this paper, we establish a Gustafson-Milne type identity as well as a Fehér-Némethi-Rimányi type identity for factorial Grothendieck polynomials. Specializing a factorial Grothendieck polynomial to a Schur function, we obtain a combinatorial proof of the Fehér-Némethi-Rimányi identity.