We investigate the characteristic crossings and anticrossings of energies and widths of a doublet of resonances, observed in the vicinity of, and at a degeneracy of unbound states, when the control parameters of the system are varied. This characteristic behavior is explained in terms of the local, topological structure of the surfaces that represent the complex energy eigenvalues in parameter space in the vicinity of a degeneracy point. In the simple but illustrative case of the scattering of a beam of particles by a double barrier potential well with two regions of trapping, we solved numerically the implicit, transcendental equation that defines the eigenwave numbers of a degenerate isolated doublet of resonances as functions of the real, control parameters of the system. We found that, at a degeneracy of unbound states, the surface representing the resonance eigenwave numbers as functions of the control parameters has an algebraic branch point of rank one. Unfolding the degeneracy point, crossings and anticrossings of energies and widths are obtained as projections of sections of the eigenwave number surfaces.