Forest fragmentation is a ubiquitous, ongoing global phenomenon with profound impacts on the growing conditions of the world's remaining forest. The temperate broadleaf forest makes a large contribution to the global terrestrial carbon sink but is also the most heavily fragmented forest biome in the world. We use field measurements and geospatial analyses to characterize carbon dynamics in temperate broadleaf forest fragments. We show that forest growth and biomass increase by 89 ± 17% and 64 ± 12%, respectively, from the forest interior to edge, but ecosystem edge enhancements are not currently captured by models or approaches to quantifying regional C balance. To the extent that the findings from our research represent the forest of southern New England in the United States, we provide a preliminary estimate that edge growth enhancement could increase estimates of the region's carbon uptake and storage by 13 ± 3% and 10 ± 1%, respectively. However, we also find that forest growth near the edge declines three times faster than that in the interior in response to heat stress during the growing season. Using climate projections, we show that future heat stress could reduce the forest edge growth enhancement by one-third by the end of the century. These findings contrast studies of edge effects in the world's other major forest biomes and indicate that the strength of the temperate broadleaf forest carbon sink and its capacity to mitigate anthropogenic carbon emissions may be stronger, but also more sensitive to climate change than previous estimates suggest.climate change | forest fragmentation | land cover change | terrestrial carbon cycle | tree growth D espite advances in measurement and remote sensing methods for carbon (C) accounting, considerable uncertainty remains in estimates of the global forest C sink and the C implications of deforestation (1-4). Expansion of agricultural and developed land has reduced global forest cover by one-third (5) and led to emissions of up to 146 Pg C to the atmosphere since 1850 (3). These changes in land cover and land use have also resulted in widespread landscape fragmentation, with 20% of the world's remaining forest within 100 m of a forest's edge (6). Compared with the forest interior, forest edges often experience altered growing conditions because of novel microenvironment conditions that typically include higher temperatures, vapor pressure deficit, wind, and availability of resources, such as light and nutrients (7-10). Consequently, the effects of deforestation on the terrestrial C cycle extend into adjacent forest fragments (10-12), with a growing body of research from tropical rainforests (10), temperate rainforests (11), and boreal forests (12) showing widespread increases in tree mortality and reductions in biomass near the forest's edge. Edges were recently associated with a 10% reduction in tropical forest C density (13), which highlights the importance of considering landscape fragmentation when quantifying regional C balance (14). Furthermore, the potentia...