The most recent Performance Assessment (PA) of the Z-Area Saltstone Disposal Facility (SDF) was performed in 2009, and three Special Analyses were subsequently conducted. Currently the SDF PA analysis is being revised by the Savannah River Remediation (SRR) Waste Disposal Authority group to reflect updated input information and assumptions, and improved understanding of disposal system performance. In support of the PA revision, Savannah River National Laboratory has developed revised methods for simulating the transport of I-129 and Tc-99 through porous media in a shrinking core model using the PORFLOW code. The revised methods are based on updated reduction capacity, I-129 distribution coefficient, and Tc-99 solubility values from SRR. PORFLOW simulations of aquifer transport have been revised to reflect a recent update to the General Separations Area groundwater flow model and improved treatment of plume dispersion. Hydraulic properties for some soils / sediments have been revised based on E-Area PA maintenance work. Example simulation results are provided to illustrate the behavior of the new I-129 and Tc-99 shrinking core models. Revision vii