Excessive population outbursts and associated xenobiotic interventions contribute overproduction of waste materials across the world. Among these waste materials biomedical wastes (BMW) make a significant contribution. The huge accumulation of BMW is not only meant for successive environmental pollution but increases health hazards by cross-contamination and reoccurrence of different fatal infections. The management of BMW gaining continuous attention to the scientific communities for their intriguing potentiality towards public health concerns. Although, world health organization (WHO) and other public health and environmental societies formulate different guidelines for the disposal machinery of BMW but the proper implementation of those rules in public sectors in developing countries is very difficult. In this situation, the sudden prevalence of pandemic like, COVID-19 further worsen such conditions. Huge disposition of medical wastes during COVID-19 detection, treatment, and precautionary measures not only increases the risk of reoccurrence of infection but puts us also in front of a huge challenge of efficient management of these BMW. In this respect, the present review focus on an overview of BMW, existing BMW management, probable consequences of COVID-19 pandemic on the waste management system, and future perspectives.