Kata kunci : Clinical pathway, average length of stay, outcomes, DF, DHF ABSTRACT Background: Clinical pathway is used as quality and cost control in the health services. One of the quality of service can be seen from the average length of stay and outcomes of patients. Implementation of clinical pathway that has been applied need to be measured for its effectiveness in lowering the average length of stay and produce better outcomes. DF and DHF are in the list of 10 major of hospitalization diseases. Objective: To measure the differences in average length of stay and outcomes of DF-DHF child patients between before and after implementation of clinical pathway in RSUD Kota Yogyakarta. Methods: The type of research used in this study is quantitative research with analytic survey method and cross sectional design. Data collection was done by study documentation in 146 medical record documents and clinical pathway forms. Results: The higgest percentation of outcomes in DF child patients is good category, 71,4% before CP and 80,9% after CP. The higgest percentation of outcomes in DHF child patients is good category, 83,9% before CP and 90,3% after CP. Average length of stay after CP is smaller than before in DF-DHF child patients, with p-value DF = 0,016 < α = 0,05 and p-value DHF = 0,021 < α = 0,05. Nothing difference in outcomes of DF-DHF child patients between before and after implementation of clinical pathway, with p-value DF = 0,775 > α = 0,05 > 0,05 and p_value DHF = 1 > α = 0,05. Conclusion: Implementation of clinical pathway can lowering the average lenght of stay, but it haven't been able to prove the differences in patient's outcomes.