We show that on a hyperbolic knot K in S 3 , the distance between any two finite surgery slopes is at most two and consequently there are at most three nontrivial finite surgeries. Moreover in case that K admits three nontrivial finite surgeries, K must be the pretzel knot P (−2, 3, 7). In case that K admits two noncyclic finite surgeries or two finite surgeries at distance two, the two surgery slopes must be one of ten or seventeen specific pairs respectively. For D-type finite surgeries, we improve a finiteness theorem due to Doig by giving an explicit bound on the possible resulting prism manifolds, and also prove that 4m and 4m + 4 are characterizing slopes for the torus knot T (2m + 1, 2) for each m ≥ 1.where the base orbifold has genus 0, n > 1, gcd(n, m) = 1. Every prism manifold can be expressed in this form. As a byproduct of the proof of Theorem 1.4, we have the following Theorem 1.5. If P (n, m) can be obtained by Dehn surgery on a knot K in S 3 , then n < |4m|.Theorem 1.5 improves [19, Theorem 2] where no explicit bound on n was given. (In an earlier preprint of [19], the author claimed a bound of n < |16m| without proof.)Recall that on a torus knot T (2m + 1, 2), 4m and 4m + 4 are D-type finite surgery slopes. Our next main result implies that each of the prism manifolds S 3 T (2m+1,2) (4m) and S 3 T (2m+1,2) (4m + 4) can not be obtained by surgery on any other knot in S 3 besides ±T (2m + 1, 2). Theorem 1.6. Suppose that S 3 K (4n) ∼ = εS 3 T (2m+1,2) (4n) for some ε ∈ {±} and n = m or m + 1, where ε ∈ {±} stands for an orientation. Then ε = + and K = T (2m + 1, 2).In the terminology of [42], the above theorem implies that 4m and 4m + 4 are characterizing slopes for T (2m + 1, 2), that is, whenever S 3 K (4n) ∼ = S 3 T (2m+1,2) (4n) for n = m or m + 1, then K = T (2m + 1, 2). Combining Theorem 1.6 with Known Facts 1.2 (5) and Known Facts 1.1 (4), we have Corollary 1.7. Any D-type finite surgery slope of a hyperbolic knot in S 3 is an integer larger than or equal to 28.The bound 28 can be realized as a D-type slope on two hyperbolic knots in S 3 (see Table 5 in Section 2).The results described above suggest the following updated conjectural picture concerning finite surgeries on hyperbolic knots in S 3 .Conjecture 1.8. Let K be a hyperbolic knot in S 3 .(1) (The Berge conjecture) If K admits a nontrivial cyclic surgery, then K is a primitive/primitive Then we have an affine isomorphism σ : Spin c (S 3 K (4m)) → Z/4mZ which sends t i | S 3 K (4m) to i (mod 4m). Let µ be the meridian of K, then µ is isotopic to K ′ in S 3 K (4m). Using (7.5), we see that σ(s + PD[µ]) − σ(s) = [µ] · [G] = 1.So the action of [K ′ ] on Spin c (S 3 K (4m)) is equivalent to adding 1 in Z/4mZ. There is a similar result when we replace K with T .