Recent evidence suggests the urothelium functions as a sensory transducer of chemical, mechanical or thermal stimuli that signals to nerve terminals and other cells in the bladder wall. The cellular and molecular basis of neuro-urothelial communication is not easily studied in the intact bladder, which led us to establish a method of co-culturing dorsal root ganglion (DRG) sensory neurons and bladder urothelial cells.
Materials and Methods
Sensory neurons and urothelial cells obtained from DRG and bladders dissected from adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were isolated by enzyme treatment and mechanical dissociation. These were plated together, or separately, on collagen-coated substrate and cultured in keratinocyte medium for 48–72 h. Retrograde tracer labeling was performed to identify bladder afferents used for functional testing.
Neurite growth and complexity in neurons co-cultured with urothelial cells was increased relative to neuronal monocultures. The growth-promoting effect of urothelial cells was reduced by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor, K252a, but upstream inhibition of NGF signaling with TrkA-Fc had no effect. Fura-2 calcium imaging of urothelial cells showed responses to ATP (100μM) and activation of TRPV4 (4alpha-PDD, 10μM), but not TRPV1 (capsaicin, 1μM), TRPV3 (farnesyl pyrophosphate, 1μM), or TRPA1 (mustard oil, 100μM). In contrast, co-cultured neurons were activated by all agonists except farnesyl pyrophosphate.
Co-culturing provides a new methodology for investigating neuro-urothelial interactions in animal models of urological conditions. Our results suggest that neuronal properties are not only maintained in the presence of urothelium but that neurite growth is potentiated by an NGF-independent mechanism.