Three experiments (one from Oak Ridge and two from Los Alamos), in which samples of 235 u and 239 Pu were irradiated with thermal neutrons•and either the total, gamma-ray, or gamma-and beta-ray fission pr_oduct decay-energies were measured as functions of cooling time, were selected for comparisons with calculations made using four different fission product data files. The data files used were (1) the ENDF/B..:..Iv fission product file, (2) the ENDF/B-V fission product file, (3) a file derived by substituting decay energies from JNDC into the ENDF/B-V file, and (4) a file derived by substituting decay-energies and spectra from the UK data file into the ENDF/B-V file. Direct summation calculations and spectral comparisons of the experiments were made using these data files as input, and both types of calculational analyses yielded the same results; namely, all data files are deficient, but the JNDC-ENDF/B-V results for the gamma-and beta-ray•total •decay-energy agree best with experiments. In addition, spectral comparisons with experiment generally indicate that calculated gamma-ray decay-energies are relatively high for early cooling times and small gamma-ray energies; they are low for early cooling times and large gamma-ray energies •. The op-• posite is somewhat the case for the beta-ray decay energies; that• is, the calculations are generally low for small beta-ray energies and high for large energies. I. 1 3.0 X 10-1 1.99 5.4 X 10-2 JNDC &UK 54 XE 147 2.0 X 10-1. 2. 70 2.4 X 10-7 JNDC 55 cs 136 1.9 X 10 1 0.05 6~3 JNDC & UK 55 cs 149 2.4 X 10-1 2.55 0.0 JNDC 56 BA 151 3.3 X 10-1 2.29 o.o JNDC 57 LA 155 1.5 .X w-1 3.20 0.0 JNDC 58 CE 155 5.3 X 10-l 2.04 4.3 x 10-6 JNDC 59 PR 142 /3.8 X 102 o.oo 5.9 JNDC *o ground, 1 denotes 1st isomeric, 2 denotes znd isomeric states 7 JNDC/ENDF calculations. The multigroup spectra were generated in 150 fine groups from 0 to 7.5 MeV for ENDF/B-IV, each group having a bin width of 0.05 MeV. The bin widths used for the ENDF/B-V and UK_data were also constant (0.05. MeV) from 0.1 to 7.5 MeV, but a finer width (0.01 MeV) was used below 0.1 MeV, which resulted in 158 rather than 150. groups. This was done to better describe the low-energy data (~ ray). available .in ENDF/B~V but not in ENDF/B~IV. Nuclide activities needed in preparing the aggregate fine-group decayenergy (PEFPYD) libraries were obtained from CINDER-10 problems in which thermal pulse irradiations of 23 5u and 239 Pu fuels were specified. These.problems were run using ENDF/B-IV, ENDF/B-V, and JNDC/ENDF fiss~on-product• data. The problem using ENDF/B-IV data for the thermal pulse irradiation of 23 5u was run at sixpoints-per~decade over a cooling time interval from shutdown to I0 13 s. All other problems were run for the same cooling time interval, but at four-pointsper-decade. Note that no separate CINDER-10 problem was rtin using the UK data. Aggregate fine-group fission-product decay libraries (PEFPYD) were then obtained by multiplying the activity and the beta-ray (gamma-ray) energy for each 1. 420E