“…Pi-limitation has also been detected using delayed chl a fluorescence in Scenedesmus obtusiusculus (Mellvig & Tillberg, 1986). In delayed chl a fluorescence (emitted light after a period of illumination) the effect of a nutrient limitation does not primarily affect the extent of the chl a fluorescence response, but rather the timing of the delayed fluorescence peak (Berden-Zrimec et al, 2011), as shown in Dunaliella tertiolecta in response to N-limitation (Berden -Zrimec et al, 2008). After two days of growth, Pi-replete cells were growing at high rates (0.94 ± 0.02 d -1 and 0.64 ± 0.03 d -1 for high and low CO 2 cultures, respectively) that lie well within the range reported previously (Spijkerman, 2005(Spijkerman, , 2008bTittel et al, 2005).…”