is Professor of Operations and Information Management at the Wharton School of the university of Pennsylvania. his education includes an S.b. in Physics from MIt, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Operations research from cornell university. he has been a pioneer in the systematic study of the transformational effects of information on the strategy and practice of business. his research and teaching interests include strategic uses of information systems, the changes that It enables in the competitive balance between new entrants and established industry participants, transformation of distribution channels, the structure and governance of the It functional area, and the impact of It on the risks and benefits of outsourcing and strategic alliances. Industries of focus include international securities markets and financial services firms, consumer packaged goods retailing, and travel. he specializes in assessing the competitive implications of It, and in managing the risks of large-scale implementation efforts. robErt J. Kauffman is the W.P. carey chair in Information Systems at the W.P. carey School of business, arizona State university, where he has joint appointments in IS, Finance, Supply chain Management, and Informatics and computer Science. he has a b.a. from the university of colorado at boulder, an M.a. from cornell university, and an M.S. and Ph.D. from carnegie Mellon. he has served on the faculties of New York university, the university of Minnesota, and the university of rochester, and worked in international banking and finance in New York city. he is also a past chair of the Department of Information and Decision Sciences of the carlson School of Management, and director of the MIS research center at the university of Minnesota. his research interests span the economics of IS, financial markets, technology adoption, competitive strategy and technology, It value, strategic pricing and technology, supply chain management, and theory development and empirical methods for IS research. he has won numerous research awards, including the 2006 Outstanding research contribution award for modeling and strategic decision-making research on embedded standards in technology-based products from IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and the 2007 best research award from the Journal of the