Keratomycosis is a significant cause of mono-ocular blindness, especially in tropical regions. Fungal keratitis developing in corneal incisions is very rare. We report the experience of treating two patients diagnosed with recalcitrant candida keratitis post-phacoemulsification with anterior chamber washout and deep debridement. The first patient was a 68-year-old woman who underwent left eye phacoemulsification nine months ago with a postoperative best corrected visual acuity of 6/6. The second patient was a 73-yearold man who had uneventful right eye phacoemulsification six months prior with a postoperative best corrected visual acuity of 6/9. Both patients used topical steroids postoperatively for more than three months and noted a drop in vision. Both patients had deep stromal infiltration and endothelial plaque at the primary corneal wound. They were unresponsive to topical, intracameral, and systemic antifungal therapy. Both patients underwent anterior chamber evacuation of hypopyon and endothelial plaque removal. Evacuation of hypopyon and removal of endothelial plaque was done with a 23G vitrectomy cutter using a low-powered vacuum controlled at 200 mmHg. The fluid inside the tubing was sent for culture analysis. We used viscoelastic coating on the endothelium to minimize the damage during the operations. Intracameral amphotericin B 15 µg/0.1 ml was given at the end of the operation. Postoperatively, both patients had clear corneas. The first patient's visual acuity improved 6/18, and the second patient's visual acuity improved to 6/9. Both cultures isolated Candida parapsilosis sensitive to amphotericin. These patient cases highlight that evacuation of the anterior chamber infiltration in recalcitrant fungal keratitis and intracameral injection of amphotericin B can be an effective adjuvant therapy.