Acetaminophen toxicity is one of the leading causes of liver failure. Although N‐acetylcysteine (NAC) is generally successful in preventing acetaminophen hepatotoxicity when given in a timely manner, if not prescribed in the early golden time, the only practical way to save the patient might be liver transplantation. The case presented was a 20‐year‐old female with an acetaminophen overdose (30 g), for which more than 24 h had passed since the ingestion. Despite the critical clinical condition, loss of consciousness (Glasgow Coma Score of 4) of the patient, and passing the golden time of antidote administration, the decision was made by the healthcare team to administer NAC. After transferring the patient to the intensive care unit, the three‐bag NAC regimen was initiated and appropriate monitoring was performed. After this, the regimen of 3 g q8h was continued for the patient. The patient's condition began to improve slowly on the second day and then she was extubated on the fourth day. Finally, she was discharged on the tenth day. Although the golden period of antidote administration had passed outwardly, there was no need for a liver transplant and the patient recovered successfully with late NAC administration. Hence, clinicians can benefit from the use of NAC even in the late phases of acetaminophen liver toxicity.