During B cell development, V genes are assembled at the three different Ig gene loci (IgH, Igx, and Ig),) in a controlled and ordered fashion (1, 2). V gene rearrangements start at the IgH locus (3, 4) and continue at the Igx locus in h-producing cells (5-7), while the Igx, locus is the last to be activated (8).B cells expressing X L chains have frequently rendered one or bothJx alleles nonfunctional by the rearrangement of a recombining sequence (RS)' element (9-11) . The RS element lies 3' of the mouse Cx exon and is bordered at its 5' side by a 23-bp heptamer nonamerjoining signal (9, 10). A homologous element called the x-deleting element (xde) was also found at the human Igx locus (11) and has recently been mapped 24 kb downstream of the Cx exon (12). Rearrangements of these elements involve either an isolated heptamer in the Jx-Cx intron or a 5'-situated Vx gene segment and thus result in the deletion of part or all of the Jx locus (10, 13). Due to the lack of suitable cellular models, the order and function of RS rearrangement in developing B cells is still unclear.We have extensively subcloned and analyzed c-myc transfectants of P8, a p-producing derivative ofthe Abelson line 300-19 (6, 14, 15). Two of seven c-myc-transfected Abelson lines assemble VA genes while growing in culture. In these lines RS recombination occurred either at the same time as or before VX rearrangements, suggesting that RS recombination is functionally correlated with the activation ofthe Igx, locus.
Volume 168 December 1988 2131-2137Materials and Methods Cell Lines. P8 is a derivative of the Abelson line 300-19. It carries a VDJ' and a VDJrearrangement at the IgH loci and produces intracellular u chains. While growing in culture, P8 rearranges its x loci (6). BlP8-7, B3P8-16, and B3P8-17 are c-myc-transfected derivatives ofP8 in which the expression ofthe transfected c-myc gene has been proven via Northern blot analysis (14). Subclones of these lines were isolated by limiting dilution .Southern Blot Analysis. Approximately 15 kg of genomic DNA was digested by appropriate restriction enzymes, subjected to electrophoresis through I 'Yo agarose, blotted onto nitrocellulose, and assayed for hybridization to "P-labeled probes . The Jx-specific probe (5) was the 2.7-kb Hind III fragment carrying theJx segments ; the RS-specific probe (9) was the 0.8-kb Sau 3A fragment from the RS region ; and as a Vß,1-specific probe, we used a 0.85-kb, Xba fragment (16) from the VX1 .Genomic Cloning . Genomic libraries were cloned as Hind III fragments into X Charon 28 (B allele ofBIP8-7b) and as Eco RI fragments into X Charon NM 1149 (The A allele ofBIP8-7bThis work was supported by the Bundesministerium Für Forschung und Technologie grant BCT390-2 .08 .I Abbreviation used in this paper: RS, recombining sequence.J. Exp. MED.