Sugarcane is mainly cultivated in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and nearly 85% of sugar is used worldwide. The area, production, and yield of sugarcane has been increased worldwide as well as in Pakistan as compared to other crops. It is the second largest economically important crop after cotton. It is a high-value cash crop that has significance for sugar industries in Pakistan. It contributes about 0.6% to the GDP and 2.9% of the total value added in agriculture. It creates huge revenue for the government and is used as a source of energy/power. The climate of Pakistan is favorable for sugarcane production in Punjab and Sindh provinces. Different climatic factors, i.e., sunlight, temperature, germination, tillering, growth, humidity, dew, frost, hailstorm, windstorm, sunburn, and drought, significantly affect the production of sugarcane. Pakistan is a principal cane-growing country and stands at the fifth position in the area, sixth position in cane sugar production, and ninth largest sugar producer in the world. This chapter describes the economic importance, climate, and yield potential of sugarcane in Pakistan.