The wheat steams (Triticum sh.), hemp and shive from the technical cannabis (Cannabis sativa), wood of Siberia fir (Abies sibirica) was processed with the sodium hydrate (concentration NaOH 1 g-mol/dm3, liquid module 6, temperature 93 °C, length 2 hours), washed with water and delignificated by the “hydrogen peroxide – sulfuric acid – water” solution (initial concentration of the acetic acid 6 g-mol/dm3, hydrogen peroxide – also 6 g-mol/dm3 , sulfuric acid – 1.5% (mass.), liquid module 6, temperature of the isothermal process 93 °C, length 210 minutes). Simultaneously the same vegetable raw material was delignificated without alkaline preprocessing and without sulfuric acid catalyst at the cooking. The purpose of the study – estimation of the influence named factors on output and characteristic of the cellulose. Mathematical processing is performed with the methods of the cluster and dispersing analysis. Alkaline preprocessing has brought to reduction of the output and degree polymerization and to increase the iodine number only to celluloses from wheat straw. The additive catalytic amount of the sulfuric acid to cooking solution brought to the reduction of the output and degree polymerization and to increase the iodine number of the cellulose from all type used one-year vegetable raw. Under approaching choice technological cooking conditions it is possible reception of the product with the characteristics microcrystalline celluloses (the degree polymerization not above 300, iodine number not less 10 mg/g) with one-stage peroxide cooking without alkaline preprocessing and catalyst.