We report the construction of the mouse full-length cDNA encyclopedia, the most extensive view of a complex transcriptome, on the basis of preparing and sequencing 246 libraries. Before cloning, cDNAs were enriched in full-length by Cap-Trapper, and in most cases, aggressively subtracted/normalized. We have produced 1,442,236 successful 3Ј-end sequences clustered into 171,144 groups, from which 60,770 clones were fully sequenced cDNAs Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press on May 10, 2018 -Published by genome.cshlp.org Downloaded from annotated in the FANTOM-2 annotation. We have also produced 547,149 5Ј end reads, which clustered into 124,258 groups. Altogether, these cDNAs were further grouped in 70,000 transcriptional units (TU), which represent the best coverage of a transcriptome so far. By monitoring the extent of normalization/subtraction, we define the tentative equivalent coverage (TEC), which was estimated to be equivalent to >12,000,000 ESTs derived from standard libraries. High coverage explains discrepancies between the very large numbers of clusters (and TUs) of this project, which also include non-protein-coding RNAs, and the lower gene number estimation of genome annotations. Altogether, 5Ј-end clusters identify regions that are potential promoters for 8637 known genes and 5Ј-end clusters suggest the presence of almost 63,000 transcriptional starting points. An estimate of the frequency of polyadenylation signals suggests that at least half of the singletons in the EST set represent real mRNAs. Clones accounting for about half of the predicted TUs await further sequencing. The continued high-discovery rate suggests that the task of transcriptome discovery is not yet complete.[Supplemental material available online at www.genome.org.]One of the primary goals of genome sequencing projects is to identify the genome sequences that are transcribed into functional mRNAs, so that full-length cDNAs can be isolated to allow further downstream biology, and functional and structural genomics. The limitations of a priori genome annotation dictate that the transcriptome needs to be identified experimentally via cDNA cloning and sequencing. Although expressed sequence tags (ESTs) (Adams et al. 1991(Adams et al. , 1995Hillier et al. 1996;Marra et al. 1999;Kargul et al. 2001) and ORESTES (Camargo et al. 2001) have been extremely valuable for new gene discovery, these approaches have not allowed highthroughput recovering of full-length cDNA clones nor definition of protein sequence derived from actual cDNA clones. To overcome such problems, we undertook from the year 1995, a strategic project aimed at the comprehensive collection of at least one full-length cDNA derived from each mouse gene, a strategy that is recently becoming useful in similar projects to collect full-length gene collections (Stapleton et al. 2002;Strausberg et al. 2002).Because of the limited processivity of reverse transcriptase and other limitations, standard cDNA libraries generally contain a majority of truncated transcripts. The introductio...