Summaryevidence that breast milk is a dietary source of taurine in the weanling rat, several studies have suggested fully developed tauNewborn Sprague-Dawley rat pups were found t' have reduced rine synthetic capacity in the neonatal rat in contrast to the net tubular reclamation of the p-amino acid taurine in vivo. The ,itUation in man (34,35). reabsorption of this compound increased between the 2nd and 4thThe renal uptake of taurine both in viva and in vitro has been week of life and the excreted taurine fell despite a rise in glomer-defined in adult mouse (10) and in adult rat kidney cortex (7, 9). ular filtration rate indicative of increased transport with matura-Endogenous clearance of tauhe in rat may be as high as 40% tion.(19), but most studies utilizing free flow micropuncture (13) or cortex in viva taurine from plasma against continuous microperfusion (1 1) have consistently found a cleara large chemical gradient. Newborn cortex slices in vitro accu-ance of s% of filtered load, a value akin to that found in A,J mutated taurine to higher levels at steady state at 4 . 4 mM, but mouse (10). ~h~ t a u h e reabsorptive system, in contrast to net uptake was less efficient at higher taurine concentrations. Further reclamation for most a-amino acids, demonstrates a high cortex 'Iices was not found at any age. but low capacity for uptake; thus, reabsorption of only 9&95% of in and newborn was greatest at filtered load has been found (9,11,30). Uptake by cortex slices, mEq/liter K in the external medium. Slices from younger animals indicative .of antiluminal membrane transport (41, 421, took place had 'lightly higher pH 'ptima for 'ptake and temperature by at least two t a u h e carriers in both mouse and rat (7, 9, 10). tion increases uptake more in neonatal than in adult kidney.Each site was sodium-dependent, required aerobic metabolism, and, of all amino acids tested, only /?-amino acids, such as /?-Speculation alanine, prevented taurine uptake in a competitive fashion (9, 10, If the newborn rat is in part dependent on the transfer of taurine 16). Glutathione oxidation inhibited taurine accumulation by the from mother to pup via milk, the process of weaning may require first (low Km, high affinity) transport system possibly by enhanced greater renal tubular reabsorption in order to maintain tissue and taurine efflux (7, 9). The pattern of taurine excretion and the plasma pools of taurine. The improved reabsorption of taurine tissue levels of this amino acid over the first few weeks of life found in 4-week-old and adult animals may reflect maturational be to the Ontogeny of changes brought about by the reduction in dietary taurine (and mechanisms, particularly because amino acid hyperexcretion is other sulfur containing amino acids) after weaning. characteristic of the early postnatal period in man and other mammals (1, 30). In this paper, the authors discuss the development of the in vivo taurine renal transport system during the first Taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid), the amino acid charac-month of life....