Purpose Our objective was to compare open and endovascular aortic aneurysm repair with respect to postoperative delirium. Methods After Institutional Ethics Review Board approval, we conducted a retrospective review of all patients who underwent abdominal and thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm repair surgery at Toronto General Hospital during June 2006 to December 2007. Patients were classed into either the OPEN or the endovascular (EVAR) group based on the type of surgery and were assessed for the presence of delirium after surgery. The NEECHAM Confusion Scale and the validated chart review instrument were used for diagnosis of delirium. Patients with dementia and/or abnormal levels of consciousness preoperatively were excluded. Results There were 256 patients included in the study, 149 (58%) in the OPEN group and 107 (42%) in the EVAR group. Patients in the EVAR group were considerably older, 74 (10) yr vs 68 (9)
RésuméObjectif Notre objectif e´tait de comparer la chirurgie de l'ane´vrysme de l'aorte par voie ouverte ou endovasculaire en termes de delirium postope´ratoire. Méthodes Apre`s avoir obtenu l'accord du comited 'e´thique de la recherche de l'e´tablissement, nous avons effectue´une analyse re´trospective de tous les patients ayant subi une re´paration chirurgicale d'un ane´vrysme de l'aorte thoraco-abdominale et abdominale a`l'hôpital ge´ne´ral de Toronto entre juin 2006 et de´cembre 2007. Les patients ont e´te´classe´s dans un groupe OUVERT (OPEN) ou dans le groupe endovasculaire (EVAR) selon le type de chirurgie; la survenue d'un delirium postope´ratoire a e´teŕ echerche´e. L'e´chelle de confusion de NEECHAM et l'instrument valide´d'analyse des dossiers ont e´te´utilise´s Author contributions Scott Beattie and George Djaiani contributed to the conception of the study. Rita Katznelson, Scott Beattie, Jo Carroll, Thomas Lindsay, and George Djaiani contributed to the study design. Scott Beattie took an active part in setting up the inclusion and exclusion criteria. George Djaiani supervised the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data. Konrad Salata participated in the analysis of data and drafted the first version of the manuscript. Konrad Salata, Rita Katznelson, and Thomas Lindsay were involved in the interpretation of the data.