“…Although Donatists and Arian Christians were sharply divided, Flynn notes Augustine's reference to Donatists' alliance with Manichaeans, Arians, and Jews against the Catholics. Quodvultdeus chides pagans and paganism for their idols, but especially for their addictive, devilish culture so long permeating Carthage, which he likens to ‘a cloud of blinding smoke that makes the spectator forget he is even human.’ He is wary of ‘Arriani’, whom Flynn identifies as ‘Homoians,’ who gave precedence to the Father (as sender) over the Son and Holy Spirit (who were sent) and whose recruiters either paid or forced potential converts, and then, like Donatists, rebaptised any Catholics among them. ‘Do not permit the Arian heretic to revile the church.…”