While standard scaling arguments show that a system of non-interacting electrons in two dimensions and in the presence of uncorrelated disorder is insulating, in this work we discuss the case where inter-impurity correlations are included. We find that for point-like impurities and an infinite inter-impurity correlation length a mobility edge exists in 2D even if the individual impurity potentials are random. In the uncorrelated system we recover the scaling results, while in the intermediate regime for length scales comparable to the correlation length, the system behaves like a metal but with increasing fluctuations, before strong localization eventually takes over for length scales much larger than the correlation length. In the intermediate regime, the relevant length scale is not given by the elastic scattering length but by the inter-impurity correlation length, with important consequences for high mobility systems.It is generally believed that a non-interacting two dimensional (2D) system in the presence of disorder is always insulating. This result is based on extensive work on scaling theory pioneered by the 'gang of four ' [1]. It has also received considerable amount of numerical support [2]. The general statement can be summarized as follows. In scaling theory the localization length in 2D is given by L c ≃ λe πkF λ/2 [3], where λ is the elastic scattering length. Hence, as soon as λ is finite, the localization length is finite. However, because λ appears in the exponent, when k F λ >> 1 the localization length can be extremely large and difficult to probe experimentally. In the standard Born approximation λ −1 ∼ n I , where n I is the two-dimensional impurity concentration, hence, a non-zero n I would lead to a finite L c . At zero temperature a finite localization length implies that the resistance diverges exponentially for a system size exceeding the localization length. Equivalently, for an infinite system, the resistance diverges when the temperature, T tends to zero because the phase coherence length l φ is infinite at zero T .When considering discrete models based on Anderson's disordered tight binding model [4] very similar results are obtained. All states are localized for any strength of disorder. These results apply only if all sites are uncorrelated. Indeed, even in 1D there exist special long and short range correlations in the disorder, which can lead to the existence of extended states in these systems [5]. Similarly special systems can also be found in 2D [6]. The exact conditions under which these localization conditions apply has recently gained considerable interest because 2D electronic systems confined in a variety of semiconducting structures, such as Si-MOSFETs and p-type GaAs/AlGaAs have shown a strong metallic-like T -dependence of the resistance [7,8,9] down to the lowest experimental T . In metallic, we understand a positive or vanishing derivative of the resistivity as a function of the temperature, i.e., ∂ρ/∂T ≥ 0.Because in these systems disorder is always present, whic...