The Rumah Innovation program has been developed with the validation criteria of 'Good' based on expert judgment. The Innovation House was developed using the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate). The vision of the Innovation House is to produce teacher developers who are reflectors, problem solvers, and decision makers in science learning. The purpose of the Innovation House is to improve the competence of science teachers in developing curriculum esspecially lesson planning (objectives, steps, and assessments). On average, 80% of the lesson plans made by teachers were in accordance with the content and construct of the lesson plans, while at the beginning of the program, where teachers collected the lesson plans they had made, the average was 56%. Obtained N-gain of 0.5 with a moderate increase category. Based on the average assessment of teacher participants' lesson plans content and constructs of 80%, which means the Innovation House Program is effective in increasing teacher competence in making Innovative RPP results of reflection, problem-solving and decision-making. From the aspect of teacher participant responses during the program it was 'very impressive' and gave a 'positive response' based on the attitude scale instrument.