Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a major public health issue. The French National Alzheimer database (BNA) registers all medical acts performed by memory units and independent specialists throughout France. This article describes the national coverage, the registered patient characteristics and illustrates research possibilities. Methods: All data transmitted up to December 2012 were analyzed. The following patient characteristics were studied: age, sex, educational level, place of living, diagnosis, Mini-Mental State Examination score and existence of pharmacological or psychosocial interventions. Results: At the end of 2012, the BNA included 84% (n = 357) of all French memory units, contained 341,498 patients and more than 800,000 medical acts. AD accounted for 26.4% of all registered diagnoses, related disorders for 21.7% and mild cognitive impairment for 8.7%. Conclusion: The BNA offers a multitude of research possibilities. In the coming years, the BNA will play a major role in monitoring trends and related risk factors in AD.