To the memory of our friend Yasha Rosenfeld, who discovered the Fundamental Measure Theory, making this chapter grow into a thick one.This chapter deals with the applications of the density functional (DF) formalism to the study of inhomogeneous systems with hard core interactions. It includes a brief tutorial on the fundamentals of the method, and the exact free energy DF for one-dimensional hard rods obtained by Percus. The development of DF approximations for the free energy of hard spheres (HS) is presented through its milestones in the weighted density approximation (WDA) and the fundamental measure theory (FMT). The extensions of these approaches to HS mixtures include the FMT treatment of polydisperse systems and the approximations for mixtures with non-additive core radii. The DF treatment of non-spherical hard core systems is presented within the generic context of the study of liquid crystals phases. The chapter is directed to the potential users of these theoretical techniques, with clear explanations of the practical implementation details of the most successful approximations.
IntroductionThe density functional (DF) formalism for classical particles [1] was developed to find out the equilibrium density distribution ρ(r) of inhomogeneous systems at interfaces or in the presence of an external potential V (r). In most cases, like the layering of fluids against walls or liquids confined in nano-capillaries, the sharpest level of structure in ρ(r) comes from the effects of molecular packing, and hence the development of DF theories for hard-core models has been a