We use a factorization theorem from the soft-collinear effective theory along with heavy quark symmetry to make model independent predictions forB 0 → D ( * )0 M where M = {η, η ′ , φ, ω}. Gluon production of these isosinglet mesons is included. We predict the equality of branching fractions in theB → DM andB → D * M channels, with corrections at order Λ QCD /Q and α s (Q) where Q = m b , m c , or E M . We also predict that Br(B 0 → Dη ′ )/Br(B 0 → Dη) = tan 2 θ = 0.67 and Br(B → Dφ)/Br(B → Dω) < ∼ 0.2, where here there are also α s ( √ EΛ) corrections. These results agree well with the available data. A test for SU(3) violation in these decays is constructed.Nonleptonic weak-decays involving b → cqq ′ transitions provide an interesting framework for testing power expansions and factorization in QCD at the m b ∼ 5 GeV scale. The Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) [1,2,3,4] has been used to make predictions for two-body non-leptonic b → c decays such as color allowed decaysB → DThese predictions make use of a systematic expansion in Λ QCD /m b,c and Λ QCD /E M . For earlier work on color allowed decays see [9,10,11,12]. The nature of factorization has also been studied in inclusive B → D ( * ) X decays, as well as decays to multi-body final states like B → Dππππ, and decays to higher spin mesons [13,14,15,16].The Belle and BaBar Collaborations have recently reported measurements of the color suppressed decay channelsB 0 → D ( * )0 η,B 0 → D 0 η ′ , andB 0 → D ( * )0 ω which have an isosinglet meson M in the final state [17,18,19]. A summary of the data is given in Table I. By now it is well understood that "naive" factorization [20] fails miserably for these "color-suppressed" decays. A rigorous framework for discussing them in QCD is provided by the factorization theorem derived in Ref. [6]. The presence of isosinglet mesons enriches the structure of the decays due to η-η ′ and ω-φ mixing effects and gluon production mechanisms [21,22,23]. In this paper, we generalize the SCET analysis of [6] to include isosinglets. We also construct a test of SU(3) flavor symmetry in color suppressed decays, using our results to include the η − η ′ mixing.The quark level weak Hamiltonian is