To lay the foundation for the development of democratic citizens for the youth who will become the leaders of the future society, major areas of democratic civic education have been selected and research conducted on factors affecting the democratic citizenship of the youths of K city located in Gyeonggi-do. In this study, we selected 32 questionnaires from 4 areas based on previous research and carried out a survey on 219 students. The final statistical processing was performed using the SPSS 21 program, and the results were as follows. We analyzed the effects of each of the students’ personal variables such as gender, school performance, parents’ academic background, and interest in social issues, on “human dignity,” “law-abiding spirit,” “rational decision making,” and “sense of community” that are in the realm of democratic citizenship. As a result of the analysis, first, human dignity has a significant effect according to gender and parents' educational background. Second, in the area of law-abiding spirit, only parents' educational background had a significant effect. Third, in the area of rational decision-making, gender and interest in social issues had an effect, and finally, in the area of community consciousness, parents' educational background and interest in social issues had significant effects. This study is meaningful as it found the factors that should be applied when conducting education for the cultivation of democratic citizenship in the future. The justification for practicing democratic citizenship education can be found in democracy itself. No matter how democratic a country is, if it fails to continue cultivating its roots by educating democratic ideals, its democracy will be shaken. Simple indoctrination should be avoided, but it should help students (members of society) develop the determination to uphold the liberal democratic and humanitarian values of human dignity, law-abiding spirit, rational decision-making, and a sense of community.