INTRODUCTION: Dental retentions and cysts are common pathology necessitating proper surgical treatment. During the recent decade, platelet-rich plasma has increasingly been used in oral surgery. AIM: Our aim was to illustrate its application alone and in combination with autologous bone or collagen in patients after odontectomy for dental retenion and cystectomy for dental cysts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 53 patients, 28 males and 23 females, with retained molars or dental cysts were diagnosed and surgically treated between May 2017 and May 2019. Odontectomy was carried out in 36 pateints and cystectomy-in 21 ones. According to an original protocol of platelet-rich plasma preparation, it was applied alone in 21, along with autologous bone-in 14, and combined with collagen-in 19 patients. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The comparison with a sex-and age-matched control group without such applications demonstrated certain advantages in terms of the positive effects of platelet-rich plasma on wound healing, pain perception and bone regeneration. CONCLUSION: Further research is needed to more comprehensively assess the benefits of these growth factors in oral surgery.