e article analyzes the problem of personnel shortage in Russian organizations, which is proposed to be considered from two complementary positions: the microeconomic aspect — the development strategy of each specific organization, its personnel policy, features of leadership style, existing personnel and all personnel management processes that influence the selection and retention of employees in the organization, as well as macroeconomic aspects general demographic trends occurring in the state and government polic y measures in the field of demography aimed at regulating and equalizing the current demographic situation. Statistics show that there is currently no population decline in the Russian Federation. Moreover, the population is gradually increasing. The problems of personnel shortages do not lie in the decline in population figures or in the lack of necessary qualified personnel in the labor market. The problem of personnel shortage is deeper and is associated with the working conditions required by workers in the new economic and information realities. In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a new national project “Demography” was developed, the objectives of which were: increasing the overall life expectancy of the population; encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle; an increase in the average fertility rate from 1.76 to 1.78 in 2024.