“…Nearly all of Blossfeld & Huinink (1991) Representative sample of 2, 171 German women Retrospective life histories gathered from cohorts born 1929-1931, 1939-1941, 1981-19831949-1951Buchmann (1989 (a) Representative sample of 877 White male and (a) 1-, 5-, and 11-year follow-up surveys; female high school seniors in 1960. (b) represen芦 (b) 2-and 4-year follow-up surveys tative sample of 877 White male and female high school seniors in 1980 Coleman (1984) 1,589 U.S. Black and White men born between Retrospective life histories gathered in 1930and 19391968Featherman & Carter (1976 340 men in Lewanee County, MI, aged 17 in 1957 15-year follow-up interview Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn, & 324 Black women in Baltimore, MD, who became 5-year follow-up interview Morgan (1987) pregnant in 1966-1968 331 Black women in Baltimore, MD, who became 17-year follow-up interview pregnant in 1966-1968Gee (1990 1,583 English-speaking women in British Columbia, Telephone interview 1987Canada, born 1905-1949Hogan & Mochizuki (1988 (a) Representative sample of 33,500 men in civilian 1907-1953Kerckhoff (1990 Representative sample of 15,712 men and women Interviews at age 23 born in Great Britain in 1958 Marini, Chan, & Raymond 6,498 predominantly White men and women en-15-year follow-up survey (1987) rolled in Illinois high schools in 1957-1958Marini (1987a 6,498 predominately White men and women en-15-year follow-up survey rolled in Illinois high schools in 1957-1958Mayer (1988 Approx Black and White, non-Hispanic U.S. men and women in senior year of high school in 1972 Stevens (1990) Representative samples of U.S. men and women in U.S. decennial censu...…”