In a construction project, decisions should be made by the team member or group which is best prepared to handle the decision. Often this is not the case due to hierarchical structures, time pressure and a lack of trust. Previous work showed that a significant number of female Lean practitioners found their ideas and input were not taken seriously. Empowering people in an organization and in the field means to include them in the decision-making process. Choosing by Advantages (CBA) is a structured multi-criteria decision-making method that bases decisions on the importance of advantages among different alternatives. In CBA advantages are anchored to relevant facts, so decision-makers can make a sound and inclusive decision. In previous work it was reported that CBA is transparent and traceable for people not involved in the decision-making process. In conclusion, the authors found evidence that CBA promotes inclusiveness to overcome groupthink and promotes psychological safety, but no direct evidence was found to overcome gender bias.(1964) generalize that, in comparison to individual decision-making and synthesized 4 group decision-making, interactive group decision-making results in higher quality decisions, because of higher resource availability, as more and better alternatives can be discovered. On the other hand, skilled individuals could get slowed down in a group, because they have to listen to less skilled group members. Furthermore, the more people are interactively involved in the decision-making, the more effort and time is necessary to decide (Collins and Guetzkow 1964). Another fact that should be considered is the relevance of social motives such as acceptance or relationships that impact the individual's behaviour when working in a group (Collins and Guetzkow 1964). Construction projects contain a series of team decisions, including strategic decisions, because they affect different parties. Although decision-making is key for project progress, group decisionmaking is not thoughtfully designed in projects (Schöttle et al. 2018). Often responsibility, structure, documentation, reporting and time track are not defined upfront, making it difficult for the team to decide and receive decisions on time. Schöttle et al. (2018) point out how a decision-making process should be designed by analyzing four projects, and recommend applying Choosing by Advantages (CBA) as the decision-making method in diverse groups. CBA is a multi-criteria decision-making method that bases decisions on the importance of advantages among different alternatives. In CBA, advantages are anchored to relevant facts, which are called attributes of the alternatives, so decisionmakers can make a sound decision (Suhr 1999). CBA presents several benefits in the literature, but how it affects inclusiveness for group decisions has not been studied.This paper will analyse how to include the different team members when making group decisions by focusing on three issues: (1) avoiding groupthink, (2) promoting psychological safety, and (3) h...