A novel method for moving-target tracking using single-channel synthetic aperture radar (SAR) with a large antenna beamwidth is introduced and evaluated using a field experiment and real SAR data. The presented approach is based on subaperture SAR processing, image statistics, and multitarget unscented Kalman filtering. The method is capable of robustly detecting and tracking moving objects over time, providing information not only about the existence of moving targets but also about their trajectories in the image space while illuminated by the radar beam. We have successfully applied the method on an experimental data set using miniature SAR to accurately characterize the movement of vehicles on a highway section in the radar image space. > Moving target tracking in single-channel, wide-beam SAR < 1 Abstract-A novel method for moving target tracking using single-channel Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) with a large antenna beam width is introduced and evaluated using a field experiment and real SAR data. The presented approach is based on sub-aperture SAR processing, image statistics and multitarget unscented Kalman filtering. The method is capable of robustly detecting and tracking moving objects over time, providing information not only about the existence of moving targets but additionally about their trajectories in the image space while illuminated by the radar beam. We have successfully applied the method on an experimental data set using MiSAR to accurately characterize the movement of vehicles on a highway section in the radar image space.