An effective method for the isolation of plasma membrane from lightgrown winter rye seedlings (Secale cereak L. cv Puma) was established using a liquid two-polymer phase separation. The conditions for the specific partition of plasma membrane into the polyethylene glycolenriched upper phase were examine, including variations in the polymer concentration, buffer system, pH, and NaCl addition in the phase partition system. The most effective phase partition system for the isolation of plasma membrane from winter rye consisted of 5.6/5.6% (w/w) polyethylene glycol 4000/dextran T500 in 0.25 molar sucrose-10 millimolar potassium phosphate-30 millimolar NaCI (pH 7.8), repeated once. When the isolated plasma membrane was centrifuged on a linear sucrose density gradient, a single band was found at the 34% (w/w) sucrose layer (1.141 grams per cubic centimeter) which co-fractionated with the pH 6.5-ATPase.Identification of plasma membrane was performed by the combination of phosphotungstic acid-chromic acid stain and specific binding of N-1-naphthylphthaamic acid. Based on morphometrical observations after phosphotungstic acid-chromic acid stain, the isolated plasma membrane consisted mostly ofvesicles of high purity. The isolated plasma membrane also showed extremely high specificity for N-1-naphthylphthalamic acidbindin, 10-fold higher than other membranes. It was also confirmed that there is a distinct difference in properties between plasma membrane and other membranes. The endomembranes such as from chloroplasts, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum were observed to be highly sensitive to Zn2" ion and lower pH, which resulted in an abrupt aggregation of membranes. On the contrary, plasma membrane was very stable to these treatments and no aggregation was observed. These unique properties of isolated plasma membrane are generally observed in a wide variety of plant species and can be utilized for the assessment of the purity of preparations of isolated plasma membranes and for their identification.
process.A major impediment to these approaches, however, has been in the difficulties of isolating plasma membranes in both a sufficiently pure form and a state identical with their in vivo state in plants. In most cases, plasma membrane-enriched fractions have been isolated mainly from tender and non-photosynthesizing tissues such as roots (3,12, 28), etiolated seedlings (15, 21), and protoplasts (5,9,20) by the combination of mechanical disruption and sucrose density gradient centrifugations. One of the major problems encountered by investigators attempting to isolate plasma membranes from differentiated green tissues with thick cell walls has been the cross-contamination of fragmented chloroplast membranes, which are very difficult to separate from other membranes by differences in density or sedimentation characteristics. Furthermore, the sucrose density gradient centrifugations are lengthy, and the medium per se creates an osmotic gradient which may affect, to some extent, the intactness of the isolated memb...