We point out that realization of quantum communication protocols in programmable quantum computers provides a deep benchmark for capabilities of real quantum hardware. Particularly, it is prospective to focus on measurements of entropy-based characteristics of the performance and to explore whether a "quantum regime" is preserved. We perform proof-of-principle implementations of superdense coding and quantum key distribution BB84 E. O. K. was supported by ). W. V. P. acknowledges a support from RFBR (project no. 15-02-02128). Yu. E. L. acknowledges a support from RFBR (project no. 17-02-01134) and the Program of Basic Research of HSE. arXiv:1812.00587v1 [quant-ph] 3 Dec 2018 2 A. A. Zhukov et al.using 5-and 16-qubit superconducting quantum processors of IBM Quantum Experience. We focus on the ability of these quantum machines to provide an efficient transfer of information between distant parts of the processors by placing Alice and Bob at different qubits of the devices. We also examine the ability of quantum devices to serve as quantum memory and to store entangled states used in quantum communication. Another issue we address is an error mitigation. Although it is at odds with benchmarking, this problem is nevertheless of importance in a general context of quantum computation with noisy quantum devices. We perform such a mitigation and noticeably improve some results.Keywords quantum computer, quantum communication protocol, quantum algorithms, superdense coding, quantum benchmark
IntroductionQuantum technologies based on manipulation with individual quantum objects and their quantum states are of great interest in problems of information transfer and processing. Historically, one of the first applications of quantum information technologies was quantum communication, and particularly, quantum key distribution (QKD) [1]. This technology utilizes features of quantum light in order to provide information-theoretic (unconditional) security for classical data transmission and storage [2,3]. Nowadays, there is a significant progress in experiments for providing long-distance point-to-point QKD links [4,5,6], as well as establishing multi-site quantum networks [7,8,9,10]. There are also other important developing areas of quantum communication such as secure direct communication [11,12,13], based on use of superdense coding [14], and transfering quantum states with quantum teleportation [15,16].Another field, which is undergoing dramatic progress, is quantum computation with different physical platforms, among which superconducting quantum circuits as well as trapped ions seem to be most prospective, see, e.g., Refs. [17,18]. Various quantum algorithms have been implemented to show concepts of error correction [19,20,21,22,23], modeling spectra of molecules [24] and other fermionic systems [25], simulation of light-matter systems [26], spin systems [27], many-body localization [28], machine learning [29], scaling issues [30] etc. However, in order to realize algorithms which are of practical importance, the quantum...