This research aims at the numerical study of the blade tip grooving effect on the performance of a ducted axial fan at different tip clearances in the absence and presence of inlet guide vanes. To do this, significant parameters of the fan (i.e. pressure and torque coefficients as well as fan efficiency) comprising single- and double-grooved tips are evaluated and compared with those of the original fan. Validation of the considered numerical model is performed through comparison of the numerical findings with experimental results of a single-stage ducted fan, which comprises a set of 37 guide vane and 24-blade rotor rotating at the speed of 3600 r/min. Results reveal that grooving the blade tip causes the fan parameters to increase and higher fan parameters could be attained adopting single-grooved tip. It is shown that employing grooved blades causes the sensitivity of fan parameters to the change in the tip clearance to diminish. Results exhibit that the impact of grooving the blade on the reduction of sensitivity of fan parameters to the change in the tip clearance for the single-grooved tip in the absence of guide vanes is more remarkable than the other cases and in this case, as the tip clearance increases from the lower to the upper considered value, the decreased percentages in pressure coefficient, torque coefficient, and fan efficiency are 29.8%, 8.9%, and 22.8%, respectively. Numerical findings show that the influence of grooving the blade on the fan parameters in the presence of guide vanes is lower than that without guide vanes and in the presence of guide vanes, the highest average increase percentages in pressure coefficient, torque coefficient, and fan efficiency relative to those of the original fan, which is observed in the single grooved tip, are 3.1%, 1.4%, and 1.7%, respectively.