Underwater acoustic spiral sources are able to generate spiral acoustic fields where the phase depends on the bearing angle. It allows to estimate the bearing angle relatively to a receiver by subtracting the phases of a spiral and a circular wavefront, and finds application in the bearing angle estimate with a single hydrophone, e.g., for unmanned underwater vehicles localization. This paper presents a new prototype for a spiral acoustic source, which is able to generate the required wavefronts, and is composed of four monopoles in the same piezoceramic cylinder. This paper reports the prototyping and the acoustic tests performed in a water tank where the spiral source was characterized in terms o Transmitting Voltage Response, phase, and horizontal and vertical directivity patterns. A receiving calibration method for the spiral source is proposed and shows a maximum angle error of 1 degree when the calibration and the operation are carried under the same conditions and a mean angle error up to 6 degrees for frequencies above 25 kHz when the same conditions are not fulfilled.