This study investigates the surge current capabilities of embedded Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) in SiC SBD-integrated trench MOSFETs (SWITCH-MOSs) using titanium and nickel for the Schottky metals. The results demonstrated that a 25 % enhanced surge current capability can be achieved for an embedded SBD with a higher barrier height of nickel compared to those with titanium and that it was comparable to body-PiN-diodes in a standard SiC trench MOSFET (IE-UMOSFETs). Furthermore, the study demonstrated the superior surge current capabilities of body-PiN-diodes in IE-UMOSFETs that have wide and thick Cu heat capacitance blocks attached to chip surfaces, and a significant improvement of 57 % in surge current capability was achieved with 2.9 × 4.1 mm2 wide and 0.4 mm thick Cu blocks. Notably, there was no sacrifice of I-V characteristics in the third quadrants and reverse recovery characteristics or the on resistance in the first quadrant with the Cu blocks.