The current study aims to investigate the simultaneous effects of a novel magnetic demulsifier concentration as well as operating temperature on the demulsification efficiency of three different aboriginal samples of Persian Gulf, namely, light, medium, and heavy crudes. In this regard, TOMAC‐Fe3O4‐SiO2 (MT) was chosen as the magnetic nano‐modified demulsifier. The optimum concentrations of MT were obtained to be 0.98, 0.99, and 1.1 ppm, while the optimum operating temperatures determined were 38.2, 45.2, and 50.1 °C, corresponding to a demulsification efficiency of 95%, 88%, and 81% at the optimum temperature and optimum concentration of MT for light, medium, and heavy crude oil, respectively. Finally, using the obtained experimental data, empirical correlations were proposed for the first time to correlate the nano‐modified demulsifier concentration and operating temperature to the demulsification efficiency for the three studied types of crude oil with different American Petroleum Institute degrees. © 2017 Curtin University and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.