Demystifying the sulfation code of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) to induce precise homing of nanoparticles in tumor cells or neurons influences the development of a potential drug-or gene-delivery system. However, GAGs, particularly heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS), are structurally highly heterogeneous, and synthesizing welldefined HS/CS composed nanoparticles is challenging. Here, we decipher how specific sulfation patterns on HS and CS regulate receptor-mediated homing of nanoprobes in primary and secondary cells. We discovered that aggressive cancer cells such as MDA-MB-231 displayed a strong uptake of GAG-nanoprobes compared to mild or moderately aggressive cancer cells. However, there was no selectivity towards the GAG sequences, thus indicating the presence of more than one form of receptor-mediated uptake. However, U87 cells, olfactory bulb, and hippocampal primary neurons showed selective or preferential uptake of CS-E-coated nanoprobes compared to other GAG-nanoprobes. Furthermore, mechanistic studies revealed that the 4,6-O-disulfated-CS nanoprobe used the CD44 and caveolin-dependent endocytosis pathway for uptake. These results could lead to new opportunities to use GAG nanoprobes in nanomedicine.