Dendritic cells (DCs) are specialized antigen-presenting cells (APCs) required for T-cell activation and are classified into several subtypes by phenotypic and functional characteristics. However, it remains unclear if distinct transcription factors control the development of each DC subpopulation. In this report, we demonstrate that Notch signaling controls the development of a novel DC subtype that expresses Thy1 (Thy1 DC development in the thymus. Our data indicate that Notch signaling controls the development of a novel type of Thy1-expressing DC in the thymus that possibly controls negative selection, and indicates that there may be highly regulated, differential transcriptional control of DC development. Furthermore, our findings suggest that Notch signaling regulates T-cell development not only by intrinsically inducing T-cell lineage-specific gene programs, but also by regulating negative selection through Thy1 1 DCs.