Currently, almost half of the human population is at risk of acquiring dengue. Other emerging pathogens affecting human populations transmitted by <em>Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti </em>are chikungunya and Zika viruses. People who live in poor areas are more susceptible to be infected by these diseases. The lack of selective garbage collection and inadequate water storage are important factors in the dynamics of vector-borne transmission. This study took place in Estrutural City, the poorest city in Brasilia, Brazil, which hosted the largest open dump in America Latina and second largest in the world for almost 60 years; many of the inhabitants are waste pickers, who live and survive by gathering and selling recyclable waste. A qualitative study used semi-structured interviews with 100 participants to understand the experiences regarding community knowledge on mosquitos, contributing and prevention measures, and water access. Previous research on waste pickers has focused on vector-borne diseases, their exposure, and mitigation strategies. This research uncovered novel experiences that confirmed the plethora of knowledge of this population regarding exposure to vectors, specifically dengue. Participants mentioned contributing factors to the disease, while identifying mosquitos that carry dengue, and how often and how specifically it was to have dengue. They also mention preventative techniques that they currently take and strategies to improve upon these. These findings and actions will provide new control alternatives for arboviruses in risk areas and contribute to continued public health policies and basic services to be provided to the vulnerable communities.