ABSTRACT-Because it was still uncertain whether a stimulation of b 1-adrenoceptors accelerated alveolar fluid clearance in hyperoxic lung injury, the effect of denopamine, a selective b1-adrenergic agonist, on alveolar fluid clearance was determined in rats exposed to 93% oxygen for 48 and 56 h. Alveolar fluid clearance was measured by the progressive increase in the concentration of Evans blue labeled albumin instilled into the alveolar spaces over 1 h at 37°C in isolated rat lungs. The principle results were as follows: 1) Although lung water volume increased in rats exposed to hyperoxia for 48 and 56 h, basal alveolar fluid clearance did not change for up to 56 h; 2) Denopamine increased alveolar fluid clearance in rats exposed to hyperoxia as well as in rats without exposure to hyperoxia; 3) Denopamine primarily increased amilorideinsensitive alveolar fluid clearance in rats exposed to hyperoxia; 4) The potency of denopmaine was similar to that of terbutaline, a selective b 2-adrenergic agonist. In summary, denopamine is a potent stimulator of alveolar fluid clearance in rats exposed to hyperoxia.
Keywords: Pulmonary edema, Lung injury, Sodium transport, Alveolar epitheliumThe stimulation of b 2-adrenoceptors accelerates transepithelial sodium transport out of the alveolar spaces through apical sodium channels and basolateral Na + -K + ATPase on type II alveolar epithelial cells (1). Alveolar fluid clearance occurs in accordance with sodium transport and results in the resolution of pulmonary edema (2, 3). Terbutaline, epinephrine and salmeterol are potent stimulators of b2-adrenoceptors on type II alveolar epithelial cells in rat lungs (4 -9). Amiloride, a sodium channel inhibitor, inhibits the increase in alveolar fluid clearance in the presence of b2-adrenergic agonists (10, 11). However, inconsistent with rat lungs, b2-adrenergic agonists did not increase alveolar fluid clearance in rabbit and guinea pig lungs (12, 13). Interestingly, isoproterenol increased alveolar fluid clearance via b 1-adrenoceptors in guinea pig lungs (13), whereas isoproterenol increased alveolar fluid clearance via b 2-adrenoceptors in rat lungs (14). Recently, we reported that denopamine, a selective b1-adrenergic agonist, increased alveolar fluid clearance in normal rat and guinea pig lungs (15).The exposure to hyperoxia (>95%) induces lung injury and results in high mortality in rats (16,17). Recently, it was reported that isoproterenol increased alveolar fluid clearance by stimulating b 2-adrenoceptors in severely injured rat lungs exposed to hyperoxia for 64 h (18). The stimulating effect by terbutaline on alveolar fluid clearance was also reported in moderately injured rat lungs exposed to 100% oxygen for 40 h (6). However, it was uncertain whether a selective b1-adrenergic agonist increased alveolar fluid clearance in rats exposed to hyperoxia. Therefore, the first objective was to determine whether alveolar fluid clearance changed in rats with hyperoxic lung injury. Alveolar fluid clearance was measured in rats exposed to...