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ABSTRACTThe overarching goal of this research is to develop and demonstrate a comprehensive approach for field characterization of DNAPL source zones which quantifies the key features that control plume response. Here the intent is to integrate targeted (local-scale) in situ tests with transect-based observations of downstream contaminant flux or concentration and information on subsurface geologic variability. To address its primary goal, the research encompasses the following specific objectives: (1) identification of the most information rich metrics for linking NAPL architecture to plume response; (2) development and refinement of in situ test methods and modeling tools that can be used to quantify identified metrics in targeted regions of the source zone; (3) integration of these metrics and tools with current machine learning characterization methods for an overall source zone assessment protocol; and (4) development of simplified models for prediction of plume response. The research approach integrates batch, column and aquifer cell experiments with mathematical modeling and data processing tools to identify and quantify features of the DNAPL architecture controlling down gradient plume response.
SUBJECT TERMSField characterization; Metric identification; DNAPL;
SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF:No classified information