We study the deconfining phase transition in SU (N ) gauge theories at nonzero temperature using a matrix model of Polyakov loops. The most general effective action, including all terms up to two spatial derivatives, is presented. At large N , the action is dominated by the loop potential: following Aharony et al., we show how the Gross-Witten model represents an ultra-critical point in this potential. Although masses vanish at the Gross-Witten point, the transition is of first order, as the fundamental loop jumps only halfway to its perturbative value. Comparing numerical analysis of the N = 3 matrix model to lattice simulations, for three colors the deconfining transition appears to be near the Gross-Witten point. To see if this persists for N ≥ 4, we suggest measuring within a window ∼ 1/N 2 of the transition temperature.