The Kneser-Poulsen Conjecture states that if the centers of a family of N unit balls in E d is contracted, then the volume of the union (resp., intersection) does not increase (resp., decrease). We consider two types of special contractions.First, a uniform contraction is a contraction where all the pairwise distances in the first set of centers are larger than all the pairwise distances in the second set of centers. We obtain that a uniform contraction of the centers does not decrease the volume of the intersection of the balls, provided that N ≥ (1 + √ 2) d . Our result extends to intrinsic volumes. We prove a similar result concerning the volume of the union.Second, a strong contraction is a contraction in each coordinate. We show that the conjecture holds for strong contractions. In fact, the result extends to arbitrary unconditional bodies in the place of balls.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 52A20,52A22.