The dissolution from a liquid CO 2 lake source located at a flat ocean bottom at 3,000 m depth is investigated. Using the unsteady, two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation, temporal and spatial distribution of CO 2 dissolved from the source of 500 m length and of unit span is sought in a domain of 20 km horizontal and 200 m vertical extent. Different cases were run with uniform longitudinal speed and constant horizontal and vertical diffusion coefficients and with vertical profiles of velocity and diffusivity derived from turbulent boundary layer theory. Each case was run with and without a hydrate film at the interface between the seawater and the liquid CO 2 . The properties of the hydrate film are modeled using a capillary permeation model. The computations show that the presence of a hydrate layer retards the dissolution rate by a factor of 2.7 when the density effects due to the increase of CO 2 concentration as a result of the dissolution are neglected. However, the strong, stable stratification above the hydrate layer, as a consequence of the increase in density of seawater enriched by CO 2 , suppresses the vertical mixing considerably and reduces the sensitivity to hydrate. The dissolution rate is found to be 0.1 m yr
Ϫ1for realistic vertical profiles of longitudinal velocity (order of 5 cm s Ϫ1 ) and diffusivity. However, during conditions of a benthic storm (20 cm s Ϫ1 ), the dissolution rate reaches 1.6 m yr
Ϫ1.Enhanced emission of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), to the atmosphere is widely accepted to affect the global climate system (Houghton et al. 1995). The atmospheric CO 2 content at present is about 25% higher than preindustrial levels. Over the past two decades, multidisciplinary research has been intensified with a focus to stabilize the CO 2 level in the atmosphere. One of the potential options to mitigate atmospheric levels is to capture it from fossil fuel combustors and purposefully dispose of and sequester it elsewhere (e.g., in ocean, deep saline aquifers, depleted gas and oil wells, coal beds, etc.). The ocean appears to be a preferable option because it is the largest potential sink for anthropogenic CO 2 . Marchetti (1977) was the first to propose ocean disposal to accelerate the natural ocean uptake of atmospheric CO 2 . He suggested that efficient long-term sequestration could be achieved through the Gibraltar Strait, where the outflow of dense water cascades to ϳ1,000 m depth and, in consequence, spreads out in the North Atlantic.The research on ocean disposal options has mostly focused on predicting the behavior and the dissolution time scale of the released CO 2 and on quantifying the environmental impacts to marine systems (see, e.g., Handa and Ohsumi 1995). Different scenarios of CO 2 disposal in the ocean have been proposed at various depths and in different forms in relation to the phase properties of CO 2 . The phase diagram for the CO 2 -water system shows that when pressure is greater than ϳ4.5 MPa and the temperature is less than 9.85Њ...