We investigate charge relaxation in disordered and quasi-periodic quantum-wires of spin-less fermions (t−V -model) at different inhomogeneity strength W in the localized and nearly-localized regime. Our observable is the time-dependent density correlation function, Φ(x, t), at infinite temperature. We find that disordered and quasi-periodic models behave qualitatively similar: Although even at longest observation times the width ∆x(t) of Φ(x, t) does not exceed significantly the noninteracting localization length, ξ0, strong finite-size effects are encountered. Our findings appear difficult to reconcile with the rare-region physics (Griffiths effects) that often is invoked as an explanation for the slow dynamics observed by us and earlier computational studies. Motivated by our numerical data we discuss a scenario in which the MBL-phase splits into two subphases: in MBLA ∆x(t) diverges slower than any power, while it converges towards a finite value in MBLB . Within the scenario the transition between MBLA and the ergodic phase is characterized by a length scale, ξ, that exhibits an essential singularity ln ξ ∼ 1/|W − Wc 1 |. Relations to earlier numerics and proposals of two-phase scenarios will be discussed. arXiv:1904.06928v2 [cond-mat.str-el]