Mercury bioaccumulation from deep-ocean prey and the
extreme life
history strategies of adult female northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) provide a unique system
to assess the interactive effects of mercury and stress on animal
health by quantifying blood biomarkers in relation to mercury (skeletal
muscle and blood mercury) and cortisol concentrations. The thyroid
hormone thyroxine (tT4) and the antibody immunoglobulin E (IgE) were
associated with mercury and cortisol concentrations interactively,
where the magnitude and direction of the association of each biomarker
with mercury or cortisol changed depending on the concentration of
the other factor. For example, when cortisol concentrations were lowest,
tT4 was positively related to muscle mercury, whereas tT4 had a negative
relationship with muscle mercury in seals that had the highest cortisol
concentrations. Additionally, we observed that two thyroid hormones,
triiodothyronine (tT3) and reverse triiodothyronine (rT3), were negatively
(tT3) and positively (rT3) associated with mercury concentrations
and cortisol in an additive manner. As an example, tT3 concentrations
in late breeding seals at the median cortisol concentration decreased
by 14% across the range of observed muscle mercury concentrations.
We also observed that immunoglobulin M (IgM), the pro-inflammatory
cytokine IL-6 (IL-6), and a reproductive hormone, estradiol, were
negatively related to muscle mercury concentrations but were not related
to cortisol. Specifically, estradiol concentrations in late molting
seals decreased by 50% across the range of muscle mercury concentrations.
These results indicate important physiological effects of mercury
on free-ranging apex marine predators and interactions between mercury
bioaccumulation and extrinsic stressors. Deleterious effects on animals’
abilities to maintain homeostasis (thyroid hormones), fight off pathogens
and disease (innate and adaptive immune system), and successfully
reproduce (endocrine system) can have significant individual- and
population-level consequences.