We report electrical conductivity σ measurements on a range of two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) of varying linear extent. Intriguingly, at low temperatures (T ) and low carrier density (ns) we find the behavior to be consistent with σ ∼ L α , where L is the length of the 2DEG along the direction of transport. Importantly, such scale-dependent behavior is precisely in accordance with the scaling hypothesis of localization [Abrahams et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 42, 673 (1979)] which dictates that in systems where the electronic wave function ξ is localized, σ is not a material-specific parameter, but depends on the system dimensions. From our data we are able to construct the "βfunction" ≡ (h/e 2 )d ln σ/d ln L and show this to be strongly consistent with theoretically predicted limiting values. These results suggest, remarkably, that the electrons in the studied 2DEGs preserve phase coherence over lengths ∼ 10 µm. This suggests the utility of the 2DEGs studied towards applications in quantum information as well as towards fundamental investigations into many-body localized phases.The scaling hypothesis of localization [1], formulated over thirty years ago, is a statement that the electrical conductivity σ is lengthscale-dependent in finite systems where the conduction electrons are short-ranged or localized. This can be understood by considering electronic states with localization length ξ in systems of different spatial extents: As depicted in Fig. 1(a), if ξ is greater than the linear extent of the system, then electrons are able to communicate across the system ends and there will be a finite conductance G even at T = 0 K. However, this conductance will decrease as the system size increases, ultimately vanishing for infinitely large systems. On the other hand, if the electronic states are extended, ξ → ∞, then even in the infinite system-size limit, G = 0. This intuitive picture is at the very heart of the scaling hypothesis which distinguishes between metallic and insulating states on the basis of the range of ξ: If the electronic states at the chemical potential µ are extended, then the system is a metal, but if they have a finite extent, the system is an insulator. In other words, the metallic state is defined by σ independent of system dimensions, whereas the insulating state is characterized by σ decaying with increasing system dimensions. This underlies the Anderson metal-to-insulator transition in which a "mobility-edge" in wave vector k-space demarcates short-ranged and long-ranged states [2].However, since the scaling hypothesis was put forward, to our knowledge there have been no experimental reports of length-dependent σ. In this paper, working with mesoscopic GaAs-based 2DEGs of varying linear extent L, we provide the experimental demonstration of σ-scaling consistent with the scaling hypothesis. We continuously tune ξ in the 2DEGs by applying a top-gate voltage V G and observe a crossover from a regime in which the electrical resistivity ρ ≡ 1/σ is independent of L to one where it is strongly dep...