Site-occupation embedding theory (SOET) is an alternative formulation of density-functional theory (DFT) for model Hamiltonians where the fully-interacting Hubbard problem is mapped, in principle exactly, onto an impurity-interacting (rather than a non-interacting) one. It provides a rigorous framework for combining wavefunction (or Green function) based methods with DFT. In this work, exact expressions for the per-site energy and double occupation of the uniform Hubbard model are derived in the context of SOET. As readily seen from these derivations, the so-called bath contribution to the per-site correlation energy is, in addition to the latter, the key densityfunctional quantity to model in SOET. Various approximations based on Bethe ansatz and perturbative solutions to the Hubbard and single impurity Anderson models are constructed and tested on a one-dimensional ring. The self-consistent calculation of the embedded impurity wavefunction has been performed with the density matrix renormalization group method. It has been shown that promising results are obtained in specific regimes of correlation and density. Possible further developments have been proposed in order to provide reliable embedding functionals and potentials. * Corresponding author; for which DMFT is not sufficiently accurate, especially in the case when non local electron correlation becomes important. In order to further improve on its performance, combined DMFT+DFT [13] or DMFT+GW [14-19] schemes have been proposed to recover such effects. In another promising approach, the so-called selfenergy embedding theory [20][21][22], strong correlation is not considered as strictly local, which can be appreciable for real compounds. Its applicability to both model and ab-initio Hamiltonians is also appealing. All these embedding techniques are formulated in terms of the (frequency-dependent) one-particle Green function. On the other hand, in the density-matrix embedding theory (DMET) [23][24][25][26][27][28][29], the embedded fragment (impurity) is described with a high-level wavefunction-based method while the rest of the system is usually treated at the mean-field level. Extensions have been proposed in order to include correlation in the bath [30] or for improving the description of the boundary between the fragment and the bath [31].Turning to DFT, its extension to model Hamiltonians is usually referred to as site-occupation functional theory (SOFT) [32][33][34][35]. In conventional Kohn-Sham (KS) SOFT, the physical fully-interacting many-body problem is mapped onto a noninteracting one by means of a Hartree-exchange-correlation (Hxc) functional of the density (i.e., the sites occupation in this context). The SOFT has been shown to give very accurate density and energy profiles with the Bethe ansatz local density approximation (BALDA) [36][37][38], the spin-dependent BALDA [39], and its fully numerical formulation [40,41]. The methods have been applied to both repulsive [42,43] and attractive [44,45] Hubbard models. arXiv:1710....